Female lying pose study

Work In Progress / 31 January 2021

This is my work in progress of a lying woman. sculpted in Zbrush without symmetry. I used the reference from Grafit studio's awesome female and knight pack. Pretty cool stuff, you should check it out.

Thanks for looking. 


Work In Progress / 15 November 2020

Here I share my sculpts for the Flippednormals SculptNovember challange.

Week 1

Proteus the greek prophetic sea-God.



Week 2

Ostrich in a hurry

CC Digital Human Contest 2020 - Florida Man -- update v3

Work In Progress / 11 November 2020

Okay so I used WRAP to transfer textures and displacement from xyz map i have to my model. I followed Sefki's video to do it. It's very straight forward and simple, and on if you don't have wrap they offer student version or 30 day trial so you can do it either way, but I can advise you to get it. ( I probably will too after my trial ends)


I fixed up the transferred mesh and checked how the projection worked. After this, I started detailing , using the multi channel face textures form texturingXYZ mixed with a lot of Pablo Gomez's skin brushes. I have most of the stuff on seperate layers to keep everything easily adjustable.

As far as modeling I have left 2 necklaces, and a pair of sunglasses. The next step will be exporting out displacement, normla and cavity maps from Zbrush and start texturing, where I'll mix the XYZ texture with the one from CC and I'm pretty sure I will hand paint most of it.

CC Digital Human Contest 2020 - Florida Man -- update v2

Work In Progress / 01 November 2020

Okay, so the result of I got out of CC was pretty good, just played around the morph sliders and managed to get a pretty close base.

After I started to refine it in Zbrush. Added some secondary forms to it, and match the likeness bit more. Breaking the symmetry.



Next couple of days I'll add details to this and I'll figure out how I want to handle textures and details, probably mixing the ones I got from CC with some hand painted stuff. I think I'll handle the next couple of steps in substance.

Musashi in UE continues

Work In Progress / 08 October 2020

Today I was exploring the deep dungeons of ue shaders. focusing on the skin mainly, I'm still not happy with the result, but good for now. There's definitely something shady going on with the clothing shaders.



Musashi's katana

Work In Progress / 29 September 2020

I just re-worked my katana for the Musashi project. You can get it at the marketplace or on gumroad. 

It comes with 4k and 8k textures. 1 uv tile and 2 versions one with the blade out and one sheathed.





Hope you like it!

amor sacro

Work In Progress / 01 July 2020

inspiried by Roberto Ferri, one of my favourite contemporary painter's picture with the same title. For the marble material I used Marco Tomaselli's marble pack, played a couple of days with them, they are really cool and good investment. Check them out. It's not the final form, this is just rendered inside substance with iray, i might do a proper go with arnold, it would be nice to have more control over the lights as well.


how about a super late update on this :D :

Fatman beyond - Not the hero you deserve, but the hero you get.

General / 19 June 2020

As a kid my favourite superhero was batman. Batman in every form every story. I really liked the batman beyond series on CN as well. I thought i take a stab at one of my heroes and create a not so flattering version of it. He is very lovable and all passion, he is just not.. well.. great. It was great fun. Hope you enjoy it as well. If you want to get a 3D printable version of it head to my gumroad and get it. Share it with me if you print it!



Self portraits

Work In Progress / 20 November 2019

Hahaha. Self portraiture. Great one. Can't be more pretentious than this.

Driven by narcissism or cheap modeling sessions. Doesn't matter (more of the later for me lol). Painting self portraits is a good way to see how my view evolves as I'm changing as well. I don't mind them. I might do more. Watch the curve.

The first one is a outline drawing pretty much copying over a photo. It was not long after i got my tablet so I was kinda getting used to the whole drawing on a tablet looking at the screen thing. I don't like it, never liked this. I think the only person who thinks this is cool is my mum. Who has a printed copy of it.


The second attempt was this year. I had a blast at my sister's wedding. There were couple of cool photos taken too. I turned one into a color study. I limited myself only one brush (since then i forgot which one was it but I really liked it). I guess it doesn't matter. I tried to capture what the photo captured so well: mesmerized contemplation as two beautiful people I know forge their lives into something new, something sublime.


My most recent revisit of me. Participating a friendly archery competition. It's my second obsession right after art. Actually helps me focus and improve much more rapidly in completely different domain. And it's fucking difficult. One sketch pencil brush was used for this, based on a photo as well.


Pretty much three completely different styles, techniques and results. Still don't consider drawing/painting something that I'm necessarily professional at, but still like doing it between sculpts. Refreshing.

Hope you enjoy it.


Article / 25 August 2019

In this digital painting series I try to capture something that has paramount importance to our everyday life. We tend to overlook how valuable and precious particular Moments are. We are busy, we are focusing on our career, we are enjoying life to the fullest, and immersing ourselves in instant gratification just to realize at the end that the money that we scraped together and the toys we gathered don't matter at all. We don't carry them over. At some point of this journey you will get rid of all that. If you think ' the man who has the most toys wins ' - you're just in the wrong game. 

What I want to show here is more closer to what Sam Harris said on one of his podcasts about attention: 'Think of the laughing face of your child when you have your smartphone competing for your attention, but your child is there and you've got this one opportunity to pay attention. We're constantly faced with this triaging of attention in our lives and it is the one thing we never get back. How we use each moment of attention, is how we used it, and we don't know how many more we have left and so it's an increasingly precious skill to be able to prioritize how we use our attention.'

I believe this is a pressing problem of our time, for numerous reasons. I ain't no preaching here, just offering my way of dealing with this. Appreciation is key. I write almost everyday a couple of things down, things that I can truly appreciate, small things that I can be grateful for. (even small things that I have almost infinite amount of free clear drinking water at my fingertips -  we tend to overlook these , and take them for granted) It helps me ground my ego, and see things in a form where they reveal their true value. I believe if you keep these in check, you get to know yourself, you get to know your Self. I'd like to share these paintings with y'all. The first depicts one of my favourite moments where, me and my friends walked on the shore of northern Denmark. The 3 days that we got spend there were magical and when we were looking at the few pictures we took during the journey, we got this one, and simultaneously everyone thought 'things that matter' .

Friends, Denmark 2019

The second painting is about my family. My mom and dad. The reference I used was a photo I took secretly on one of our recent trip. They were very cute sitting next to each other on a bench, just looking ahead and contemplating. I don't know what they were talking about, if at all. I was just observing from the distance. What I saw was the two person who shaped my world. Ups and downs, good times and hard, I'm always and forever grateful for them.

Mom and dad, Hungary 2018

I'm planning to add more pieces to this series, but this is exactly that kind of thing that you don't force, you can't, it sorta just manifest itself ( those Moments), all I can do is try to be aware.